Thursday, January 2, 2003

The Second One

Ahh… today has been great as well. I met my loony doctor. Unlike Bertie Wooster, I am not insane. Good.

So life is still good. So is the aunt. And the kids. Except for the hair-pulling bits. And also India suffering at the hands of those marauding blokes from Oz. But apart from that, life has been treating me particularly well. I could do worse than a lazy, laidback life filled with buttered popcorn. The good news is I’m sane. So I’m not gonna stab anyone to death. Or so they say.

Ahh, a little pigeon (a dumb one) just reminded me of Mini. She’s partly the reason why I don’t hunt very hard. Problem is, I haven’t seen her. She must be a doll. Anyways, thinking about that will get me down, so I won’t.

Maybe I should start looking at guys. No, that would totally freak people out. I’d be first. That would be gossip for some local news column, wouldn’t it? . No, Mini might massacre me. I think I heard someone scream the word carnage.

That’s that then.

And for those who’d like a little more info about my universe, maybe you got to come to me. Nah, just kidding. Apply in person and all that crap. Actually, my body is a bit sore from all those amusement park rides. Ouch.

Umm… I’m gonna round off now, I shall leave the mallus for my land on the morrow. Chennai beckons. Namma Chennai. (After the fashion of Amchi Mumbai). Thank you. Good night.

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